UKFP 2025 IELTS requirement
The IELTS requirement to apply for UKFP 2024 is current a 7.5 in speaking, in listening, in writing and in reading, taken in 1 sitting. In other words, your IELTS certificate should show 7.5 or above in speaking, listening, writing and reading. The UKFPO, at the time of writing, accepts Academic, General Training and UKVI.
What most test takers do is to take IELTS General Training for UKFP application and IELTS Academic for GMC registration.
Unfortunately, for UKFP 2025 application onwards, only IELTS Academic is required.
Most test takers struggle to even hit a band 7 in IELTS Writing so 7.5 is a remarkable feat for many to accomplish.
To make it even more challenging, IELTS certificates must not dated more than 2 years before the start of the training programme. Basically, if you applied successfully for the programme this year, but fail PLAB 1 or PLAB 2 while you’re in the programme, you will need to take IELTS again and get the required scores before applying for UKFP again.
If you’re struggling with IELTS Writing, you should get your essays marked a couple of times before taking IELTS Academic because there is only 1 chance to apply for UKFP every year and you definitely don’t want to miss it.
If your IELTS Writing score is below a 7, we would suggest that you prepare for IELTS Writing at least a year before the application starts to ensure that you will not be disappointed.
At ieltsdoctor.com, we’re here to help you achieve a band 7.5 in IELTS Writing so that you can successfully apply for UKFP 2025. Click here for our fabulous IELTS essay/report/letter marking service.
Email us at admin@ieltsdoctor.com if you don’t know which one is suitable for you.